September 2018

It has been a month since Fena moved in with Kathi, and she is doing wonderfully, making small but significant steps toward being a less fearful dog. Initially she lived in an “apartment” in part of the living room, but during the month she decided to come out and explore the house. She even goes up and down steps now, which is a big deal. Fena began going outdoors and learned it can also be a good place to explore. We are fortunate Fena was the curious one; she follows her new sister Katie, who has been teaching her how a normal dog gets around. We know she couldn’t be in a better place. Kathi has patience and is willing to do what she needs to make Fena comfortable. We expect soon to hear that Fena can be petted, which will be a huge step in her recovery. Here’s a picture of Fena in the bed she “found” and sleeps in.

With only two girls remaining here, Sophie and Tessa, we are also making a little progress. Kathy began sitting with them in an x-pen a couple times a day, feeding them treats. At first they shivered and huddled in the corner, but over the weeks they accepted her and she has been able to pet and scratch Sophie. Tessa still hangs back even though she is getting comfortable with Kathy’s proximity. Lately she has been putting leashes on them, and when they are comfortable with it we will try taking them into the back yard. For now they have a small outdoor area outside the garage, so when they can use the back yard without worrying about them coming back in (or escaping), life will be a bit easier. When we are able to move them permanently to the laundry room, and from there the house, we’ll be able to put our cars back in the garage. They have been here seven months, and we’re hoping by their one year anniversary they will be house dogs. This picture shows Tessa and Sophie with Sasha, who went to the garage to hang out with them.
Once in a while we work with other rescue groups. This month we were asked by Samoyed Rescue of Utah to do a home visit in Redmond. They are fostering five of the Iowa puppy mill dogs, and someone up here applied for one. Thanks to Hans and Holley for taking care of the visit; they were able to report that it seems to be a good home. We’ll be looking forward to hearing how the adoption goes. We would also like to take some of the puppies, but with the girls we have we just don’t have room, and the transportation service they are using won’t come this far.

Nanuk is loving life with John and Theresa. He has gotten into a routine with them, taking regular walks along the river, and even playing fetch with a ball in the yard. We get regular updates and they are always positive. Nanuk is a lucky boy, and will soon go south with them for the winter.

At 15 years and 2 months, Herbie is slowing down even more, and we don’t know how much longer he will be with us. His day is usually spent moving from pillow to pillow, with short breaks to have meals and wander the yard. We’re waiting for him to tell us when he is ready, but until then he is welcome to stick around. He is one of the sweetest dogs we have had the privilege of fostering.