In early July a friend of Sandy’s was walking his dogs and was approached by a man who asked if he would like another Samoyed. He said he had one that kept escaping his yard and he was going to take it to the shelter. Her friend immediately called Sandy, who offered to foster the dog for rescue. She handled the paperwork and a few days later Alex, a three year old purebred Samoyed, came to live with her. He did very well, and Sandy made sure he was groomed and ready for a new home. We arranged for an applicant in Spokane to visit him while she was on vacation in Montana, and several weeks later when we finally reached her again she said she hadn’t had time to call as she was passing through town (those who have done rescue recognize this as all too common).
It’s difficult to find people willing to drive 500 miles to visit a dog they might want to adopt. After two months in Montana, it was time to move Alex west where he would have more access to a new home. Sandy found Amy, a friend who was traveling to Seattle on September 1st, who was happy to take him along. Kathy met them in the Seatac area and picked up Alex and brought him here. He instantly settled in and did well with the rest of our dogs.
A couple in Kirkland, Tom and Linda, were on our waiting list and looking for a young male. We called and arranged for them to meet Alex, which they did on September 11. They and their dachshund liked Alex, and he liked them, and now Alex has a forever home. He is living with people who have shared their lives with three previous Samoyeds and know what he needs.

Over the years Carey has been a solid rescue volunteer and adopter, taking in several old dogs for hospice and loving them while they were with him. He has been quick to offer help, and he was the one who did the visit that told us Alex’s new home would be a good one. Over the past couple years he has had a number of setbacks and a lot of bad luck, and we’re sad to say he lost his home. Just before that happened he called and asked us to take care of Cheyenne and find him a good new home. We called Dennis and Rocky, who recently helped us so much with Stoney, and they agreed to take Cheyenne into their family. We already know how much they love dogs, and this is a special one. I know everyone joins us in hoping Carey’s life improves.

It was in August, 2000 when we decided to look for a companion for our Sammy girl Tasha. We asked everybody we saw with a Samoyed at the Nisqually show in Lacey if they knew anyone with puppies, and they unanimously referred us to Cheryl and Steve. That was when we discovered Rescue, and they eventually lined us up with Charlie. He was a one year old with separation anxiety and we were his third home; we were told he ate his way through the furniture in his previous home. During a lengthy training period Charlie became thoroughly bonded with us, and we confirmed our love for the breed. Two years later when Cheryl and Steve stepped down we offered to take over the job as rescue coordinators. Much has happened since, including the formation of Northwest Samoyed Rescue and the merger of SCWS Rescue and Samoyed Rescue of Oregon. Charlie just turned ten, and is still one dog in a million. We invite you to visit where there are pictures of most of the dogs we have been able to help since then.