October 2018
This report will necessarily be short for two reasons. First, it was a slow month; second, Ron spent most of it either in the hospital or recovering.

Fena has been with Kathi Bacon for a while now, and she is coming along wonderfully. She allows herself to be touched and petted and she is getting used to hanging with two well-adjusted dogs. Being in the right pack has made a huge difference. Truly, if we had one more foster home with someone like Kathi, so we could split up the last two puppy mill girls, they would all be doing a lot better.
Sophie and Tessa are also coming along, but much more slowly. Kathy has been sitting with them several times a day, sometimes passing out some high value treats, and they are used to her presence. When possible, we close them in an x-pen with her so she can put leashes on them. They still aren’t wild about it, but are becoming more accepting. Time has been short this month but they are still making progress.