November 2019

New this month is Bear, a foster we picked up at the Everett shelter. He was surrendered on his 7th birthday by a family who became homeless. The shelter called us right away, and Erin and Tom were there the next morning to pick him up and whisk him to us. Bear is a big friendly boy who passed the puppy stage long ago and is a real lover who just wants to be with people. He is quite underweight, something we don’t see often. So far he is getting along with all the other dogs, for the most part, but Rowdy is beginning to object to another male and we’ll have to deal with it. In the meantime we’re working on finding him a new forever home.

During the recent nice weather, Tessa and Sophie wanted to sleep in the yard, and except for meal times they preferred not to come in. No amount of persuasion got them through the door, so for the first time we had to leave a dog in the yard while we were gone. It’s not a big deal except for years of habit; we would rather dogs were inside and secure before we leave. Now that the rains have returned they are willing to come in the door and stay in most of the time. I have been giving Sophie kibble from my hand each time she enters the office, which is helping her to understand it’s OK to get close to me. Kathy is able to approach both of them and is starting to put hands on Sophie. With Tessa it’s only when she is cornered that she can be touched. We’ll keep working with them.

Two years ago Darlene fostered a dog named Cloud until a family from Boise could meet and adopt him. Recently they decided to move to Hawaii, and were not able to immediately find a place to rent that would take a large dog. We saw the photos of Cloud with their kids, and it was heartbreaking to think they might have to give him up. Darlene stepped in again and will foster him while they move and look for the right accommodations. We were happy to find out the laws on quarantine have changed, and with some tests here they will be able to fly back and take him to his new home on the islands. We’re extremely grateful to Darlene for helping keep this family together.