March 2014
Finally, the rescue business is picking up. The past month has brought a number of dogs to our attention, and while some didn’t need our help at least two are coming into rescue.

Some time ago a loose-knit group in the US was asked to help get a dog out of Korea and into a good home here. The dog was shipped and placed successfully. Now a second dog needs help, and the adopter they had backed out, so they asked us if we could find an adopter. We did some checking, and this is all above board, so we said yes. The schedule now is for her to fly to Seattle on the 25th and come here for a few days (to be spayed and recover) before moving to her new home. Her name is Jinju and she will be living with Jen and Rick in Troutdale.

Late last month a dog was listed on Craigslist, saying she was trained to be indoors but has lived outdoors for the past several years. People on Facebook started posting and re-posting until she was almost everywhere, with any number of critical comments. We tried writing and followed up with a call offering our services but got no answer. So many people were passing around her email address and phone number that we were genuinely concerned for the dog. If you have been around rescue for a dozen years or more, and subscribed to Samfans, you probably heard the story about the dog who was euthanized because it was too much trouble for the shelter to deal with all the people calling them.
Fortunately, the owner of this dog wrote to ask us to help. She said she was getting spooked by the number of people who wanted her dog but wouldn’t allow her to visit their home to check it out. We arranged for Melissa to pick her up and foster her, and as of this writing she is still there. Melissa would like to work a little on training, and then she will move on to a permanent home. Her name is Stormy and it seems she probably hasn’t had a wonderful life – until now. She is recovering from a minor eye problem but is otherwise healthy.

Ryann is listed as the Samoyed representative for Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue (SPDR), one of the oldest breed rescues in the northwest. It works out well for us because it’s one more way dogs can end up in rescue. Ryann had a call while working at the Seattle Dog Show saying a male Sammy was coming into a shelter the next day. He was dropped off because his owner used to be on a farm and now lives in an apartment, and she can’t walk him. He does what every three year old boy will do without enough exercise; he barks a lot. She said she didn’t like him anymore and dropped him off. He will be in foster with Ron and Kathy by the time you read this, and he already has a visit scheduled from people in Portland with prior experience with a young male. He will be in the home he deserves very soon. Many thanks to Ryann.
Our Rescue Picnic this year will be July 19. Save the date!