June 2023 Rescue Report
Meet Polar! He is 6 years old, new in rescue and is being fostered by Melissa. He has quite a back story. Polar was originally from Serbia and bought by a woman in northern California in 2017. She also bought Pearl, a female from Kabeara. We know she had at least one litter. Eventually, Polar and Pearl were sold to a woman in Lebanon, Oregon. She planned to use them to produce puppies, but she said Polar was sterile. He also killed several chickens and one goat, and the neighbors were threatening to shoot him. In July last year the woman’s daughter contacted us to take the two dogs. After going back and forth over two days, we arranged for her to drop off the dogs as she was heading toward Seattle for an event. That morning, a couple hours before meeting us, she called it off, saying her mother had a “nervous breakdown” and refused to let the dogs leave. That was the last time we heard from her.
This month we heard from a man in Salem who had a dog named Polar who used to live with a Sammy named Pearl. It took most of a day to put the pieces together, during which we learned that the woman in Lebanon had elected to give Polar away. Since then, he has been living in an apartment with a bunch of other dogs. Melissa talked to him and he said he needed to find Polar a new home; he had too many dogs dogs, most of whom he was also rehoming. On the 8th, he delivered Polar to Melissa’s door.

Polar seems to be enjoying life now. He had been forced to be an outside dog before he moved to the apartment, and then while in the apartment he didn’t have a yard. Now he has a good-sized yard and people who want him around. We think he has a bit of separation anxiety and won’t tolerate a crate (we learned he had destroyed crates in his former home). It only took a few hours to settle in and begin showing his affectionate side. Melissa says he gets up on the bed a couple times a night for a few minutes and wants a snuggle.

Polar needs to be groomed correctly and have a bath. He was trimmed because he was dirty, but after he gets cleaned up he will be handsome again. He already has an appointment to be neutered, and after that he will be available for adoption. He is almost a perfect age, well past the puppy stage with many years of love left.

On the same day we heard about Polar, we heard about two other dogs on Craigslist. One was a puppy and the other was an adult. Melissa wrote and called both, with no answer.