July 2018

We decided a month ago that we should find a home for Nanuk, who has been here since December. Because he is 10½ years old, we kept him with us because it’s difficult to place Seniors and he played so well with Rowdy. Unfortunately he has decided he wants to be pack alpha and keeps picking fights with Rowdy. It doesn’t matter that Nanuk loses every single time, he keeps trying. Sometimes he gets back up from losing and tries again. It’s not fair to Rowdy, whose personality has begun changing because he is always waiting for another fight, and he obviously hates it. We are again having to use the gates we used for Charlie and Shadow. Within a few days of this report we expect a former adopter to come and meet Nanuk, and if it works out she will foster him indefinitely. That will relieve her from the worries of senior dog medical bills, since he will still be a rescue dog, and will give Nanuk a great home where he would be number one boy.

The three girls are still here, and the Prozac seems finally to be helping. Sophie, Fena, and Tessa are getting to be a little less nervous. Lately they have all been coming into the house from the garage, especially at meal times, and sometimes the twins (Sophie and Fena) will get close enough to take treats from our hands; they still won’t let us touch them. Keep your fingers crossed, because we think we found a foster home for one of them. We’ll talk more about that next month.
Herbie turned 15 years old on July 10, and he probably won’t be around much longer. He’s such a sweet old dog we will do everything we can for him until he tells us it’s time to go. Charlie is with Melissa, and continues to act like a young dog despite also being a senior.

We are getting ready for the rescue picnic on the 21st. This year, considering the extra workload of the girls, things may not be quite as ready as in the past, but we’re looking forward to seeing our friends. If you plan to attend, please don’t forget to RSVP to Ron. We need to know how many will be here so we can plan ahead.