February 2012

Sam has a forever home! After he returned from his first placement we knew we had to find the perfect family for him, and it took some time. Sakura and Tatiana offered to foster him after he came back, which was perfect because Tatiana worked with him on leash training. Meanwhile we started working our way through a long waiting list of people who wanted a rescue Samoyed. Lately we’ve had from twelve to twenty families waiting, but we didn’t have anybody wanting a male of that age, and of that size (very tall). We even checked with people who wanted females, small dogs, or older dogs.
Many times over the years we have been saved by serendipity, and it happened again for Sam. Into our inbox popped an application from a family with another Samoyed, a well fenced yard with a concrete base, and they really understood the breed. Kathy Thomas did a home visit for us, and considering how important this home would be she gave them every potential problem she could imagine. They weren’t worried, and asked to visit Sam. They drove from Bothell to Graham, where Kathy Manor met them at Sakura’s home. They took their time getting to know him, and at the end of the visit they asked if they could take him home. Everybody agreed and Sam moved into a perfect home. He gets along with their other Sammy and hasn’t has a single problem like he had in his first placement. His family sent a picture taken during the January snow. Is this a happy dog? Thanks very much to Sakura and Tatiana for taking him in, and to Norma who fostered him right out of the shelter.

Chip and Ozzy are still here. We haven’t tried to place them yet, primarily because of their age. Ozzy is thirteen years old, and although he gets around fairly well he isn’t able to walk on uncarpeted floors (we have mats where he has to walk). He doesn’t hear well, and his eyesight is failing. We have to consider him a hospice dog; not the first time we have done that. Chip is only ten but has one bad hip. He is otherwise in good shape, and we’re waiting for the right person to be just right for him. In the meantime we’re enjoying their company.
Let’s take a moment this month to thank a special volunteer, Danna d’Asaro. She has filled a special niche by twice taking dogs when people have problems in their lives and can’t keep their dog but don’t want to give it up. In the first case a Sammy was with her for months before going back to the original owner. In the current case, she has been caring for a Sammy for many months, while keeping in touch with the owner. It takes a special person to foster a dog for that long, knowing it will someday leave and go home. Many thanks go to Danna.