September 2009

Stoney was a mix, probably Samoyed and something else, who came from Montana. We know he had been tied out most of his life on a rope, and the animal shelter told us they were glad not to return him to that home. Sandy Nelson brought him to Coeur d’Alene and met Kathy there, and she brought him back.
From the beginning we knew there was a problem between Stoney and other dogs. It’s likely because he was tied that he learned to fight dogs who came into his territory; he had no way to run away. He didn’t trust other dogs and we soon realized he had to be segregated from our other dogs. At different times he fought with all our dogs, even our old girl who gets along with everybody. He ended up spending lots of time in the laundry room with baby gates across the door, which is no life for a social dog. When the other dogs were outside or in other rooms he was affectionate and seemed to love people.
Dennis and Rocky lost Chilly last year and had no other animals in the house. They agreed to take Stoney to see how he would do in a one-dog house, and everything seemed to be working fine. Then one day, a visiting neighbor stood up and he took it as a threat; he lunged and bit her. In rescue work there is only one absolute rule; a biting dog cannot be adopted out. The liability is too great, and it does no good for our breed when people hear one of our dogs bit someone, even though Stoney was a mixed breed dog.
They gave him one special day before bringing him back to us. We did everything we could to make his final hours happy, and then Kathy sat with him while he quietly crossed the bridge.
This is only the third time this has happened to us, and it forces a change in our rescue policies. Over the years we have placed some really great Sammy mixes, but on the other side of the coin it has been mixed breeds that have given us almost all our problems. From now on, only obviously purebred Samoyeds will be taken into our rescue program. We will continue to help mixes as much as possible, including listing them on our web pages and referring adopters to them, but they won’t be taken in as fosters.
Another dog from Montana, a handsome purebred named Alex, is being fostered by Sandy right now. Alex is mellow, loves being there, and is available for adoption. We are waiting for an applicant from the Spokane area to visit him, and if that match isn’t perfect we will continue down our waiting list.
We’re all glad the past month is behind us. We want to thank Sandy for her work with Montana dogs, and we’re grateful to Dennis and Rocky for trying so hard with Stoney.
This year we have had quite a few dogs found in Montana, and transportation has been problematic. Recently Sandy Nelson said she would provide foster space and give Samoyeds a place to stay while we look for a new home for them. That gives us an important edge in our ability to help more dogs. Early this month Sandy was approached by someone who had a two year old male and wasn’t able to keep him in the yard. They asked if we could find someone better equipped to give him a safe home. As a result, Alex is now with Sandy and we are looking for the right family to adopt him.
This month we’re happy to report that Keno is in his permanent, forever home. It’s the same home he has been in since April 26, with Melissa and Terry. He fits in perfectly.
Nicky was found as a stray, and after some work we found his original owner. She gave him away several years ago, and he ran away from that home. We couldn’t find where he has been for the last two years but we can say he will be safe now. Nicky is a rare dog, completely content to be with other dogs or leaning against a human getting attention. He is the only dog we have ever fostered who never evoked a growl from Charlie, our resident alpha. Nicky is just finishing a major shed and is also one of the most naked dogs we have hosted. We have a potential home lined up for him and hopefully he will be moving on soon to his own home. We’ll be honest and say we’re really going to miss this one.
Stoney appeared in the shelter in Kalispell, Montana. He was found as a stray with a rope tied around his neck, dragging behind him. The people at the shelter told us they try to return dogs to their owners, but in this case were glad the people decided not to take him back. There was no elaboration but we know it wasn’t a good place for him. Stoney is about 7 years old and we understand he was tied out most of the time. After we committed to him, we learned he was not a purebred Samoyed. Now that he is here we believe he is half Sammy and half Collie or some similar breed. At first glance he could be easily taken as a biscuit Samoyed.
Sandy Nelson picked him up from the shelter and did some grooming to get the worst of the mess off his coat. She brought him along to the Spokane/CDA shows on May 22 and dropped him off with Kristina. We were unable to find anybody at the show who could bring him back, so Kathy had to drive to Coeur d’Alene and back that weekend to bring him here.
Stoney is a product of his earlier life, and like many dogs who have been tied he was not immediately comfortable in a pack. He likely had other dogs harass him when he couldn’t run away, and a lot of his training has been aimed at keeping him from feeling threatened when other dogs crowd around. He has needed a strong alpha to explain proper behavior, while at the same time needing a lot of one-on-one comforting from humans to show he is safe here. We’re going to find a home for him where the people understand his past, and where he is the only dog. He has a lot of affection and companionship to give and we’ll try to make sure he gets the chance.
Our annual rescue picnic is July 11 this year, less than a month away. This is the TENTH annual picnic, continuing the fun that Cheryl and Steve began in 2000. Last year was our best attended ever with about 40 dogs joining us and this year we hope to have even more. The Nisqually show is the same day but there should be plenty of time to stop by on your way home. If you’re driving south we’re on the way, and if you’re heading north it’s only a six mile detour. Please stop by and be part of the fun!
About two weeks later there was another post on Craigslist, this time for a lost Samoyed in the same general area. After some checking we determined this was the same dog. There is an established policy already in place which requires the former owner to apply and go through a home check the same as any other applicant. Our only interest is the welfare of the dog. The home did not have a fence and Lola was allowed to run loose; this was not the first case where she ran away. They didn’t begin searching until a week later when she didn’t return. Melissa spent a great deal of time with the man, explaining the need for a fence. He promised to put one up and she told him Lola would come back after the fence was built and she had been spayed. Fortunately he was good to his word, and the fence was built. After hours and hours of education, Melissa recommended Lola be returned. Lola, whose real name is Snowy, went back home late last month.
Keno was a surrender to a shelter in northwest Montana. His family said he was two years old and not good with children. We heard about him when a fellow rescuer in northern Idaho said his time was almost up and he needed to get out. We subsequently heard that the shelter manager had decided to euthanize all the dogs and “start over.” According to our source, one of the shelter workers took six purebreds and quit in protest; Keno was one of them. Whether this is accurate we may never know, but it’s the sort of thing we hear about in rural areas. We put out a call for help in the rescue community and put together a transport all the way from the shelter to Portland. Our lucky break was finding a Malamute volunteer taking a puppy from Portland to Spokane and driving back empty. She picked up Keno in Post Falls, and Melissa got him the next morning. That was early this month and Keno has now had a bath and is settling in. By the way, the Malamute transporter has two young children and she said Keno got along fine with them.
Nicky came to us several months ago after he was found as a stray. We found his original owner who said she gave him away, but were not able to find where he has been the last few years. Fortunately, since we have permission from his only legal owner, we will be able to place him. Nicky is an uncommon Samoyed, one who instantly got along with all the dogs in our pack. He is the only dog we ever fostered who never had to be told his place by our alpha male Charlie. We thought we had a perfect home lined up for Nicky, but they decided after meeting him that they better not adopt a dog because their home has too many cats. He is not cat-aggressive but we think he would chase one if provoked. For now he is happy here and we have no problem with him staying until the right home comes along.
Lola was found as a stray in the LaCenter area just north of Vancouver. The finder put an ad on Craigslist and we contacted her to suggest she take them to the shelter in Vancouver where Melissa has a good relationship with the management. Lola spent three days there but nobody came looking, so the first morning her stray hold was up, Melissa was there to pick her up. That was the day of a pet expo in Portland, so Lola was company to Melissa, Kathy, and Jim at a table showing off our breed. She was a great Sambassador and made lots of friends.
As Melissa fostered her she became more and more convinced Lola was less than a year old. She was taught how to be civil to the feline population (by the cats as well as Melissa) and she settled in. Then, on April 9, another ad appeared on Craigslist, this time for a lost Samoyed. After checking it was determined this was the same girl being fostered by Melissa. We have a policy already in place for a case like this, which involves checking out the former owner before automatically returning a dog. In all things to do with Samoyed Rescue, the welfare of the dog is most important. In this case, Lola was an outdoor dog not allowed in the house; there was no fence and it was a week before they decided to look for her after she ran off chasing a car that was leaving the house. We feel this is a home where people simply don’t understand our breed, and Melissa is planning a home visit. Even if they build a fence and promise to keep her indoors the fact remains that they took a week before they began looking for her. As you can see, rescue isn’t always a simple thing.
Nicky’s first owner wrote to us to thank us for caring for him. You may remember from last month’s report that he was given away, then ran away, and we can’t account for his life for the last three years. He was found in the Buckley area and no amount of checking, by us or the shelter, could learn anything about him. Because he was chipped the finder was able to find his first owner and tell her what happened. She was unable to take him but said she appreciated knowing he is OK.
We all know how mellow a Samoyed can be, and how friendly and easygoing they are. Even so, it’s rare to see a dog with all the good traits and a great personality but none of the problems we can encounter. He is submissive to other males but not intimidated, and automatically respects females. Even our alpha male Charlie has accepted him completely and he coexists with the pack like he always lived here. We’ve been slow to place him because we are frankly enjoying having him around. There is a home lined up for him and if he can be shown to be safe with cats he will get to go there. He seemed fine with the vet’s cats but a veterinary office isn’t a true test because all dogs are a bit stressed there. If anyone knows of a home with cats in the Olympia area that would allow us to test him, please let us know.
Our big event this past month was the return of the puppies! Two years ago we picked up a Samoyed mix named Katie from the Seattle shelter. She looked pathetic, with her entire back bare from digging at herself as a result of a severe allergy. She also had kennel cough which delayed her spay appointment, and only a few days before she would be spayed we found out she was pregnant. Five days later she delivered four puppies by c-section, three of which survived. We would have been lost without the help of Bobbie LaFortune, who loaned us all her whelping supplies and gave the advice and support we needed so badly.
We found homes for all three puppies; one with Sue and two with Laura and Bill and their boys. We nursed Katie back to health and after a year of trying to find her a home we decided she already had one. A month ago Sue wrote about the possibility of bringing her puppy back for a visit for her second birthday, and we were able to arrange for ALL the puppies to be here at the same time. It is striking how identical the two girls are, and how much the boy looks like Katie. We all had a great time.
SAVE THE DATE! The Rescue Picnic is July 11, 2009.
On her arrival we scanned and found a microchip, registered of course to the people who surrendered Blizzard. We called AVID and asked for information, which yielded a vet clinic in Jacksonville. We requested her records, and after a day for them to call the previous owner for permission, they faxed everything to us. Records included her birthday, date of spay, and also the breeder’s name. We contacted her and the breeder immediately said she would take Blizzard back. The following weekend she drove from British Columbia, gladly paid all our expenses, and Blizzard is once again a Canadian Samoyed. She since found a perfect new home in Saskatchewan where she is an only dog in a great family, and her breeder has kept us in touch with her progress. Despite the shelter, Blizzard’s story had a happy ending.
Diva came from Stanwood because her family didn’t have time for her. She hadn’t been spayed because they couldn’t afford it, which was curious since they dropped her off on their way to a weekend at a water park resort. Diva went to live with Melissa and Terry while we all looked for a new home for her and she wormed her way firmly into their hearts. She was good with cats, so we thought about an applicant in Moscow, Idaho. A pre-vet student at WSU was enlisted for the home visit, and it backed up our impressions this would be the right home. They took a day off, drove all the way to visit her, and on March 1 Diva moved to Idaho. Her new family is keeping in touch with Melissa and Diva is doing really well with everyone, even the cats.
Nicky was found as a stray, and by tracking his chip the finder came up with the name of his original owner as well as the breeder. The first owner said she gave him away, and the second owner said he ran away three years ago. He is the product of a backyard breeding by someone who has never been part of the Samoyed community. After listing him in the newspaper and at the shelter, nobody came forward to claim him. We have now satisfied the legal requirements and will be able to find him a home. From the first day he arrived, Nicky has been one of our pack. Unlike most intact males he has no desire to prove himself and he gets along with everybody. He is a bit larger than most Sammies. He is five and a half years old, which we think is a perfect age. He is mature, loves attention, and quite athletic. He doesn’t demand attention although he soaks it up whenever it is offered.
The day after we got Nicky, two more dogs arrived from eastern Oregon. About eight years ago a man in the LaGrande area bought two Samoyeds from a Utah puppy mill so he could go into business as a breeder. Since then we have helped numerous dogs resulting from that mistake; he apparently had no idea how to qualify a buyer (or didn’t care) and people found out the hard way it takes a lot of time and effort to raise a puppy. A couple years ago we heard he had stopped breeding, and in January this year he went to jail for shooting a neighbor. Animal control seized the two remaining Sammies and called Cathie to turn them over to rescue. Cody is a five and a half year old male who has never been socialized, and Sierra is a five and a half year old spayed female who has eaten her way to 95 pounds.
Cathie met Melissa in The Dalles with the two dogs, and they suspended the transport for an hour to trim off some of the worst of Sierra’s backside so they could stand to be in a car with her. Even so, both of them drove with windows down because of the smell. Kathy met Melissa at her house and brought Cody and Sierra back here. The next couple days Kathy worked hours and hours to get them combed out and was finally able to bathe both of them. Now that they are white they are two very nice looking dogs, bonded absolutely with each other, and starved for human attention. We’re gradually getting Cody to venture out of our utility room, while Sierra is content anywhere she is. She could barely stand on arrival and has made good progress getting some muscle tone. Both dogs were confined in an outdoor pen before they got here
We used a baby gate to separate them from the other dogs for the first few days until we determined they would all do well together. They now have the run of the house but stay mostly in one area where it’s quiet. We usually adopt pairs into separate homes so they will bond better with humans, but in this case we want to find one home for both of them. They will both bond with humans, but Cody will benefit from Sierra’s presence while he learns he can be a part of a human family.
Special thanks this month go to all the people who helped us transport dogs. Cathie, Debbie, and Rita all helped get dogs here and we appreciate their time on the road. Our rescue family continues to grow, both in the number of new adopters and the volunteers who give their time helping Samoyeds.
After this many years doing rescue work, there are dogs who stand out; dogs we remember because they were unique. Some have been beautiful purebred Samoyeds who might have won in the ring if they had the chance. Others had special personalities, while some have been through bad times. One of the special dogs is Rio, who found her home in January. Rio came to rescue from the Pasco area along with Honey, a Samoyed mix we think was probably her mother. Rio had only a little Sammy in her, if that, but was accepted because she came with Honey. Given the area she came from, she might even have been part Coyote. Rio is timid, slow to warm up to people, but also extremely affectionate after accepting someone. While she was here she loved to curl up on the sofa next to people, and is the only dog who thought lap time and nap time went well together. Fortunately she is a small dog.
After listing her on Petfinder, Rio was adopted along with another dog to a family in Edmonds. Unfortunately, a cat was killed by one of the dogs and both were returned. We listed her again, and we were contacted by a family who thought she might fit in well with them. They came to visit, Rio liked them, and the feeling was mutual. She now lives in the Redmond area and her new Mom has begun obedience class with her so they can bond even better. We’re told that she likes small cubbyholes, quiet places, and oddly she likes to snooze on the back of the sofa.
Kayla was with us since November, the result of a visit from a landlord to an apartment that “wasn’t supposed to have dogs.” She originally came from the Midwest at age six and had been with her owner for four years. We accepted her as a hospice dog because she had a number of medical problems, and truly we didn’t expect her to find a home of her own. That was OK with us because she was an exceptionally nice old girl. Then Celine called us and said she would like to talk about offering Kayla a home with her and China, a Samoyed she adopted a while back. Kathy drove Kayla to Portland where she met Cheri, who drove her to her new home in Coeur d’Alene. Senior Sammies make the most heartwarming adoption stories.
Around the first of the year, Melissa heard from a couple north of Seattle who wanted to find a new home for Diva. They said they didn’t have time to give her the attention she needed. It took about two weeks to put things together, and the people met Melissa at Ron and Kathy’s home to make the transfer. Diva was scheduled for a spay appointment later that week, and is now getting close to the time she can be placed. She is a small girl, the product of a puppy mill and pet store, but exuberant, loving and well mannered all at the same time. Several people have asked about adopting her and we’ve been busy getting home visits arranged.
More time and effort has been spent on a dog from southern Oregon than any recent rescue. The Jackson County Animal Shelter listed a beautiful purebred Samoyed, and the messages came pouring in from rescue friends all over the country. Paul Martin offered to go check on her, and he found the shelter preferred not to work with rescue groups because they wanted to place her themselves. A brief history of Blizzard shows she was surrendered because she couldn’t be kept in the yard. She was adopted to a family and picked up twice again as a stray, then placed with another family who thought she was safe off-leash after three days of training. Again she went back to the shelter. A family with a Samoyed tried to adopt her and was refused because they didn’t have a good yard. Another applicant was turned down because she wouldn’t bring her other dog, an elderly Chow, to the shelter to see if Blizzard would get along with him. His health was bad enough they couldn’t risk it. The people at the front desk labeled her a problem dog, but still refused to let her go to rescue.
Finally a friend went to the shelter and insisted on adopting her. She spent that night with Debbie, who brought her north to Hillsboro, and Rita kept her the second night. The next day Rita drove to meet Kathy, who brought her the rest of the way north and she is now happily in rescue. She is not an alpha, she gets along with all the other dogs (and the dogs in the homes where she stayed while en route), and doesn’t seem to be an escape risk. Admittedly she is a sneaky dog who would love to bolt out an open door, but that’s a Sammy trait we’re used to. This is a dog who didn’t deserve to spend most of a month in a shelter that doesn’t understand Samoyeds.
Melissa and Terry are fostering a dog from NW Washington while Ron and Kathy are fostering a dog from southern Oregon. Life isn’t always logical, but it proves how well it worked to combine Washington and Oregon rescues into Northwest Samoyed Rescue. It gives us the flexibility not only to work together, but to give each other breaks when needed. Next on the horizon are a couple dogs from eastern Oregon, which we have been told are probably going to be coming soon, although we don’t have details yet. We appreciate our volunteers and friends more with every passing month. Thanks to all who help!
Save the date! Our Rescue Picnic this year is July 11.
Last month we were happy to have found a home for Nanook and Rio together, two young dogs who enjoyed being together. They were settling in well, but two weeks into their stay one of the resident cats was found dead outside. It happened many hours earlier and it couldn’t be determined which dog was responsible, so both of them had to come back to rescue. This wasn’t the fault of the dogs, but of circumstances. The adopters asked us to keep the adoption fee because they want to support rescue.
Fortunately for Nanook, he found a terrific home in Vancouver and has great parents and a new canine brother. For him this is probably an even better home than he found before. He gets exercise and companionship with a young family. They understand that he still has muscle strains from incorrect exercise in a previous home, and they will work with him to take care of the problem.
Rio is still here, waiting for her home. We admit if she had not arrived with Honey as part of a pair we probably wouldn’t have her in rescue now. We believe Honey is her mother, and if she is a mix then Rio is not more than a quarter Samoyed. She is smaller than the average Sammy and more active. She is also timid and slow to trust people. Even after a month we have to be careful not to frighten her although that’s getting better by the day. She asks for affection and her most relaxed moments are sprawled across a lap getting petted. She is as overtly affectionate as a dog can be, frequently sitting next to a chair and reminding you she is there. In the right home she could be a once in a lifetime dog.
Honey, our three-legged dog, healed beautifully after her amputation. We listed her on Petfinder and received a large number of inquiries and applications. After looking through them we went to visit an older couple in Centralia; the man had a recent stroke and his wife thought his recovery would be faster with a dog. Although still relatively young, Honey will do well in a home where she is not pushed too hard physically, and she is a dog who prefers curling up on the sofa next to a human. When she was introduced she went immediately to the man and sat with him, telling us she agreed it was the right home. We are thankful to Erin and Tom, who fostered her since November and through two surgeries.
When we heard of a Samoyed named Sophie at the Seattle Animal Shelter we asked for help because of the driving conditions, and Doug & Michelle Manis said they could pick her up and keep her for a few days. We arranged for her to be spayed the next day by the shelter, but when they called to see if she was ready she hadn’t been spayed. In fact she couldn’t be spayed because she was a very rotund neutered male. The somewhat embarrassed people at the shelter said he was ready to go and they picked him up. The day after Christmas he came to Ron & Kathy’s house.
We originally planned for Melissa to foster him, but we had an applicant in Tacoma who was very interested and was planning to see him soon. Despite having three fosters in the house already it seemed better to keep him close. What we got was a 96 pound boy, as round as he is tall, who has a handsome bear face. We tried the usual names and he instantly answered to Sammy. We checked his microchip and found he came from a puppy mill that uses chips as a sort of inventory control, but doesn’t register them. That made it impossible to trace him. Lucky for Sammy, he found someone who sees him for the wonderful companion he is, and he now lives in Tacoma with another Sammy who also came from the Seattle Animal Shelter about five years ago. Many thanks to Michelle and Doug for getting him to us.
Kayla is still with us, waiting for a ride to Coeur d’Alene to live with Celine and her other Sammy girl China. Kayla recently had minor surgery to deep clean her right ear, which has a chronic yeast infection that narrowed the ear canal so much it couldn’t be cleaned normally. Kayla thinks that was a great idea and no longer feels like shaking her head constantly. She is definitely a senior dog but in great shape, and yesterday actually chased her own tail for three or four turns. If we mention food she jumps up on her hind legs like a puppy.
Twice this past month we had requests to take owner-surrender dogs, but one was placed privately and the other still is in limbo. A third dog will probably be coming from central Oregon and Melissa is working on that. After listing three dogs on Petfinder recently we’ve been swamped with applications and trying to keep track of everybody. People who apply wanting to be on the waiting list tend to stick around, but if they want a certain dog and it’s not available they disappear. That makes it harder to keep track of our waiting list.
Our fundraiser is over for the holidays and it looks like we earned a good amount for rescue. Sales were definitely less this year because of the economy, but for the first time we offered t-shirts as well as sweatshirts and that helped. We also have calendars from Wolfpacks (thanks, Paul!) and they are still available on our website:
You don’t have to be crazy to do rescue, but it helps.
Eleven dogs at once, indoors, during the heavy snow.
The same day Honey had her surgery, Rio was spayed. We believe Rio might be Honey’s daughter, though it’s impossible to tell because she is definitely a mix. Rio is probably about a year and a half old, while Honey is three or four. Two weeks after surgery, Erin and Tom were going out of town so they brought the dogs to Ron and Kathy’s house over Thanksgiving weekend. We combined the visit with Honey’s spay, something that couldn’t be done earlier because the first surgery was so long.
Nanook came to rescue from a family in Oregon who were told he had two bad ACLs and needed expensive surgery on both legs. Our vet disagreed, and after a full set of x-rays and tests it was determined he had iliopsoas muscle strains. Those are the muscles that go from the lumbar spine to the back legs, and were strained because he was confined up to 10 hours at a time and released to run hard. At 18 months old, it was too much for him. With some committed physical therapy he will heal and be fine.
While Honey and Rio were here, we had a visit from a couple who wanted to meet Nanook and thought they might also want a female as a companion. Originally they had Honey in mind, but while here they saw how well Nanook and Rio played together. Both are about the same age and temperament, willing to play and enjoyed being together. Update: Nanook and Rio were adopted together, but one of the resident cats was killed and they were both returned. There was no indication which one was involved (or even IF one was involved). They are once again available for adoption.Kayla has been through two rounds of tests trying to find out what causes her chronic cough. She had two courses of antibiotics and one of Prednisone, and last week was sedated and samples were taken of the fluids in her lungs. As this is written we’re waiting for the results, which should finally be definitive. Kayla also has a bump on her nose that is growing and we fear it might be a fibro-sarcoma. If that is the case, her time with us will be determined by its growth. If not, she has a home. Celine, who previously adopted Makita and China (both older females) has asked that she get Kayla. We can’t imagine a better home, or one in which Kayla would be more loved. Tentative plans are to move Kayla to Celine in Coeur d’Alene just after Christmas.
This is the month of our annual fundraiser, and we have been busy taking orders and printing sweatshirts and t-shirts. Every year Holley out-does herself with new designs. We’re featuring “Samoyed Country,” “Got Squirrels?” and “Café Samoyed,” all of which are selling briskly. This year we also have beautiful calendars courtesy of Wolfpacks. For several years Paul has been extremely generous to rescue with donations of his calendars. We continue to provide White Pine collars and leads, and many people this year have combined shirts with calendars and collars. You can see all of them at We are blessed to have committed friends like Holley and Hans doing designs and Paul and Linda donating calendars to help our dogs.
In November and December this year rescue has had expenses of over $2,600 on just four dogs. This is exactly why fundraisers and donations are important to us. It’s what lets us help so many dogs.
Do you buy at We just added a way for you to buy as usual while generating donations for Northwest Samoyed Rescue. Simply go to and enter the product you’re looking for. It will cost you no more and Amazon will donate a percentage back to us. It’s a win-win for everybody!