In February Melissa picked up a dog named Snow from the Clackamas County Animal Shelter. We tracked her down to a backyard breeder in Oregon City. According to the vet who chipped her, she is nine and a half years old. According to the people who turned her in, she is over twelve. Her pedigree, which we think we found, says she is seven. Although the chip record should be most accurate, we don’t believe she is that old; it’s more likely the receptionist at the vet’s office miscalculated and the pedigree is correct. We have a boy who is not yet two, and she regularly wears him out. Her activity level is high and her teeth look three. It doesn’t really matter,since she will have to stay here.
We waited for two months for a potential adopter to come meet Snow, only to find the match wasn’t right. Even though there were extenuating circumstances, we won’t do that again. A dog staying more than two weeks believes she is in her new home, and another move is difficult. When we placed Vincent (more on him below), the people also wanted to take Snow and we said yes. We told them she bit someone once, and they understood she was a fearful dog. Unfortunately, she bit again, and we took her back. Kathy had to drive to Victoria to get her, so Snow is with us again. Although we don’t really want six dogs, there is no choice. We can’t take the liability of placing her now. It’s too bad, because Snow has never shown anything but her sweet side to us, and she is the first lap dog I’ve had in years. We don’t know what happened to her in her earlier life, but the rest of her life will be here.
Over the last couple months we have been talking to people in Beaverton who had a seven year old male Sammy. They told us he had a bad separation anxiety problem. They also have an 18 month old son, which we believe is the real problem. His name is Vincent, a big friendly boy. We arranged for a couple to drive down from Vancouver Island to meet him, and the people from Beaverton brought Vincent to our home. John and Heather have adopted several times over the years, dating back about 20 years, and theirs is a great home. The Beaverton couple got here first, and Vincent wandered around the house. When John and Heather arrived, Vincent immediately went to John and sat down and leaned against him. We see this all the time. The dog really does choose the people, and it was an obvious, strong connection. Kathy took him for a walk while his old family left, and Vincent seemed not to notice. He happily got in the car with John and Heather when they left. All reports about Vincent are great.
The storm that rolled through early this month was intense, and no doubt a lot of dogs were unhappy about all the thunder and lightning. That certainly includes our Lily, who didn’t leave Kathy’s side. Meanwhile, in Seattle, Nicky and Holley sat on their front porch so Nicky could watch the weather. Nicky is a senior, just recovering from a health scare, and one of our favorites. He’s also very photogenic.
Snow has been here for two months, most of it waiting for a previous adopter to come meet her. We usually try to move dogs to new homes as soon as possible, in less than two weeks if possible. After that, they think they are in their new home and it means another readjustment when they move again. In this case, there was cancer treatment involved and we waited till she got the green light that it was in remission. That happened last week, and on the 10th she came to meet Snow.
Things don’t always happen the way we expect. We agreed that Snow wasn’t the right dog for her. She has a strong prey drive and our adopter has begun fostering feral cats. It’s something we didn’t realize, so Snow stays with us for a little longer. We are working our way through the waiting list and no doubt she will find the right new home.
Snow is one of the most remarkable Sammies we have ever fostered. We know she is over nine years old, but when she plays with Rowdy she is like the Energizer Bunny. He will be two years old in July, and is as wild as any young boy at that age, but she more than keeps up with him. We joke that we could easily pass off Snow as a five year old. Now that she thinks she is part of the pack she has tested us a little, digging in the yard and chewing on throw rugs. In other words, a perfectly normal Samoyed. This is a picture of a happy dog who just dug a new hole.Ten years ago, we picked up a badly bred Sammy at a Seattle shelter. A few weeks later while I was petting her she seemed much fatter than she was not long before. Bobbie visited and estimated we would have puppies in about five days. The next day a vet disagreed, saying it would be two weeks. The vet was wrong, and five days later Katie presented us with three healthy puppies (and one that didn’t make it). In addition to coming immediately to help when the puppies began coming, Bobbie brought all her whelping supplies to us and our lives changed for the next eight weeks.
A few days ago, Sue reminded us that those puppies are now ten years old, and sent us a wonderful picture of Sadie. It turned out Katie wasn’t a Samoyed; DNA tests showed quite a mix. It didn’t matter, and we kept her here the rest of her life. The pups’ sire was certainly not a Sammy either, but the kids sure turned out cute. The gallery we posted in 2007 is at This is Sadie now.
A few weeks ago we were asked about the possibility of helping with a 7 year old male in Beaverton who isn’t doing well, now that there is a baby in the house. He has separation anxiety and they were exploring what to do with him. At this report’s deadline we were asked to arrange a meeting to talk about what to do, and Melissa will visit them. We would like to help them train him so he can stay in the home he knows, but we will probably end up taking him.
This month there was a Craigslist post about a lost dog in Issaquah, who fortunately was found in a day or two. We heard from the owner and learned he had escaped through an invisible fence. As we always try to explain, Samoyeds are too intelligent for that kind of containment, and they judge whether something they see is worth a brief shock. The dog’s owner agrees, and will now look into a real fence. We’re glad it turned out well.
Every so often we send email to everyone on our waiting list, asking them to answer if they wish to remain on the waiting list. It had been two years, and we had 37 families waiting. Of those, 17 answered. We get about 3 dogs a year, so it’s a testament to how much people want this breed that they continue waiting. Some have been on that list for years.
New to rescue this month is Snow, a nine year old female Samoyed who had been turned in to the Clackamas County shelter. The woman who turned her in said someone in the family had given the dog to her 18 months earlier and she didn’t want her. We scanned for a chip and learned it was implanted by a vet in Oregon City, so we called them. They refused to give us any information about the breeder, except for the dog’s age; she is now nine years and four months old. They agreed to tell the breeder the dog was with rescue. On a chance, we checked the OFA records and found a White Cloud dog born exactly that long ago. Her name is White Cloud’s Lady Snow. We’re not surprised the breeder never called us. Our only surprise is that this breeder did any tests at all.
Snow playing with Rowdy
Melissa went to the shelter and picked her up, then met Kathy, who took Snow home. She is a wonderful dog. I know we always say that, but it’s what we get for working with Samoyeds. Snow is especially mellow. Our usual procedure with a new dog is to walk them in the front yard for a while before taking the leash off. That lets them get rid of the nervous energy before we introduce our pack, one dog at a time. The whole process was about ten minutes this time before she was happily in the middle of five other dogs. Playing started soon afterward. Since then, Snow and Rowdy have been constantly in motion; we have never experienced a nine year old dog who plays so hard. Grooming is nearly impossible because of the weather and rolling around in whatever happens to be there, but a happy dog is more important than a perfect coat. It looks like she was clipped close and her coat is still growing out. Snow’s tail has very little hair, so we had her tested for thyroid levels, which were perfect. Other tests showed some levels that weren’t ideal, so we had tests run again and they were much better. The vet’s opinion is that fleas and poor nutrition were the cause.
Snow is going to be heading to Ellensburg to live with Karen, who has adopted from us twice before. She has some things going on, so Snow will be here for another week or two. She’s heading for daily walks and a city full of friends because of Karen’s work with the Farmer’s Market.
A week ago we had email from someone asking us to take her five year old Sammy because she is too much for them. That’s something we hear often. Sometimes it’s “she deserves better” or “we can’t keep her from barking,” but it all means the same. People get a dog from a backyard breeder who doesn’t tell them how much work and exercise the breed requires, or how much energy they have. We have responded twice since, but with no more contact. We hope next month’s report will have more about her.
You probably remember Freya, the girl who had entropion, a painful problem where the eyelashes grow inward. She had surgery and went to live with Anita and her husband Howard, where Freya has flourished. Not long afterward she was joined by Nanuk.
In May, 2016, we had a request for a visit to a hospice patient in Albany, Oregon. The original request came from family in England, and it was passed through Facebook by a breeder in the Midwest. They said their father loved Samoyeds and would like to see one again. Our adopters and volunteers are the most generous bunch of people in the world. Within an hour of getting the request, adopter Anita King and her boy Nanuk were ready to help. Over the past year they have returned many times. Here is the story as written by Anita; a reminder what our gentle dogs are capable of doing.
Nanuk the “Therapy” Dog by Anita King
Sometime last spring, California resident Mark Carter went on a search for a Samoyed Therapy Dog who could visit his father, Don in Albany, Oregon. Don was recovering from recent surgery that had identified a late stage form of cancer. The prognosis was not good. Mark and his sister, Cheri, who lives near Salem, wanted to cheer up their dad around Fathers’ Day. The family had owned two magnificent male Samoyeds (King 1 and then, King II). Don loved Sammies so much that each year his kids framed photos of Samoyeds from calendars and lined his bedroom wall with them.
Mark’s inquiry went first to a UK website, then to the mid-west, then to NW Samoyed Rescue and then to me. Sy “Nanuk” Bear was a relatively new dog to us. He came to us at age 2, retiring early from the show. He was a very calm and centered boy in most situations but a bit reactive and unpredictable when walking in the neighborhood. He’d come from a farm where he sometimes got to run free, liked to chase anything that moved, and was participating in some serious dog sled racing! Learning to walk calmly on leash in a neighborhood was quite a challenge at first.
However, my heart went out to the Carter family so I decided to try a visit. Cheri came for an initial visit to meet Nanuk and a week later we went together to Albany for a surprise visit to her Dad. When we arrived Don was in his wheel chair in the driveway facing away from the street. Cheri called out “Dad, turn around and meet a friend of mine.” Don turned his chair in the driveway and immediately saw Nanuk. Don, visibly moved, said “Oh…my…goodness……..Come here, Boy…” He held out his arms and Nanuk ran right into them. Fortunately, Cheri’s son, Christian captured it all on video. Inside the house, Nora, Don’s wife had prepared a water bowl and pet blanket for the couch. Nanuk greeted everyone and then jumped onto the couch with Don where he remained with his head in Don’s lap for most of the afternoon visit. On another visit, Don wanted to get down on the floor with Nunuk. As soon as he was lying comfortably on a pillow, Nanuk went and lay beside him, draping his paw over Don’s arm. They formed quite a bond.
We had the pleasure of visiting Don and Nora several more times. With each visit our friendship grew and I was looking forward to seeing them again soon. We talked about our lives and a lot about our dogs, our beloved Sammies. We had the pleasure of meeting son, Mark and spending time with Cheri who is a real dog whisperer.
Our last visit was Feb 15, two days after Don’s 87th birthday. A few days ago, Cheri wrote to tell me Don had passed away on March 1.
Nanuk and I lost a dear friend this week. However, the time we spent together was precious and important. We shared something deep: a profound love and appreciation for Samoyeds. We didn’t need words to explain our instant connection. The Carter family has inspired me to seek official therapy dog training and certification for Nanuk. Through our visits I witnessed the remarkable temperament of my dog, his loving and empathetic nature. Upon meeting Don, he knew exactly what to do and did it with joy.
Anita King, Salem, Oregon Proud owner of Freya and Nanuk
We are privileged to have worked with many wonderful adopters like Anita and Howard.
We saw a Craigslist ad early this month for a five year old female Samoyed someone wanted to re-home. We contact the poster, as we always do, and for a change they wrote back. We had a good conversation, and we learned the situation was the result of a divorce a few years ago. The couple stayed friends and shared their Sammy, but the husband was having tough times and they thought it would be better if their dog had a better home. We thought for a while we would have a dog to fill the need of one of our applicants, but they ultimately decided to find a long-term foster home. They know who we are now, and if they change their minds we’ll be here.
Rescue also had word of a found dog in north Seattle, but we weren’t able to connect. That happens more often than not, because people don’t know who we are. There is currently a lost dog in the Covington area and we offered help and advice. Beyond that, all we can do is hope for the best. The dog was returned to a breeder, who we consider a puppy mill, and she placed her with a woman without warning her to put tags on the dog. She wasn’t microchipped. Three days later someone left a door open. There was one sighting the same day but nothing since. We’ll hope for a good outcome.
These situations happen frequently, and are part of the reason we don’t place as many dogs as we used to. The ability of people to find another family to take their dog is much easier these days, and rescue isn’t part of the equation. At this writing we have almost 40 applications from families who want a Samoyed, and many are previous adopters we know are wonderful homes.
We have two dogs who are technically foster dogs but will never leave. Herbie arrived on July 4 last year on his 13th birthday. We were called by someone who heard a car in the driveway; after it left they found him in the yard. He arrived in terrible condition but has recovered nicely. He loves attention and is as friendly as any old Sam we’ve ever had. He doesn’t demand much (though he barks at dinnertime). His ears have been deep cleaned twice and are in pretty good shape now. His teeth were rotten, but after we determined he could probably make it through anesthesia he had a full dental and his teeth are great now. Of course his breath is much better, too. He has a large tumor on his chest the vet thinks is nothing to worry about.
Herbie checks the depth of snow on the deck.
The other is Princess, who was dropped off at the shelter in May, 2015, on her 11th birthday. We know from the shelter that she was bought as a puppy, left in the back yard, and ultimately taken to the shelter with another dog. She was so timid and scared when she got here we had trouble getting close. With lots of patience she found that humans are nice. Now she follows us around everywhere. She’s still timid, but we let her make her own decisions where she wants to be. The first few months we treated her for bad hips; now she’s running around the yard. The most rewarding thing we see in rescue is our Senior Sammies.
Princess loves the snow. Mostly she likes to eat it.
Last month we received a request from an author from Dogster, formerly Dog Fancy Magazine, who wanted pictures for an article on breeds that are frequently mispronounced. We connected her with Paul Martin, who generously shared his photos for a number of Sammy websites. The result is a short but fun article at
Over the last fifteen years or so, Northwest Samoyed Rescue (and our founding groups, SCWS Rescue and Samoyed Rescue of Oregon) has been blessed to have some incredibly generous people who support our work. Back when we began, Cheri said we should work toward a goal of having a completely self-funded group, enough money in the bank for the interest to cover all our expenses. We thought that would take a whole different level of funding, even though interest rates were higher then. Today, as we look back, we are on the way; still a small percentage of what we would need, but definitely able to handle what comes our way.
Over those years we have helped some extraordinarily expensive Sammies. Right off the bat we had a couple cranial cruciate ligament repairs (usually called ACL repairs), and those were substantial. We have helped with leg repairs many times since. Two years ago we had Lily, who had a growth plate fracture that was never repaired. Our vet, who usually does our orthopedic work, said we needed a specialist because her leg healed abnormally. The fix was to re-break it, cut off the end of the bone, and re-attach it at a different angle. The specialist from Portland did it in our vet’s office and gave us a break on price for rescue; it ended up at only $4,900. Contrast that to the days when we had to get board approval to spend more than $200.
A few years back, we had Freya. She lived in a shed for several years and had entropion, a painful condition where the eyelashes grew against her eyes. She wasn’t the most expensive dog to go through rescue, but she was one of the most rewarding. Take a look at what happened to her life. She went from neglect to the lap of luxury and love.
Before and After
Recently we were contacted by adopters who had gone through more than $10,000 with their Sammy. We were able to give a small grant directly to their vet, and we helped them through the application to SamUrgency, a wonderful charity that helps pay medical bills for Samoyeds.
Almost constantly we had many old dogs with all those senior ailments; ear-cleanings, growth-removals, and meds for sore joints. We have been able to cover all those because of your generosity, and we want you to know how much we appreciate it. It’s because of rescue that these dogs have a good life today, and it’s because of you that rescue could help them.
Thank you for your support. Words can’t express how grateful we are to our donors.
A month and a half ago someone posted about a lost Samoyed, saying they were afraid someone picked him up and took him because his coat looked so bad. We offered to help, but it wasn’t necessary because a neighbor had picked him up, thinking he was a stray, and he made his way back home. Because we posted him on Facebook, a friend in North Dakota wrote to suggest he might have an endocrine problem. We sent them some links, and received another update; he is now being treated for Cushing’s disease and his coat is getting better. One of our previous rescue dogs, Scooter, is also being treated for Cushings successfully. Although it’s serious the treatment is better than it used to be. Scooter also had recent surgery for removal of bladder stones, of which he had 70. Because his vet is close to us, we kept Scooter here overnight so his family didn’t have to make two more lengthy trips. He’s still the cool dog he was when we had him the first two times, and he now has the family he always deserved to have. Here’s a picture we took at the picnic in September.
A while back we posted about Herbie, who came to us at 13 years old about six months ago. His health has improved remarkably, and he acts like he is so grateful to be living in a home now where he sleeps indoors. He is patient with our new boy and all the girls. We talked about whether we should put him under anesthesia at his age, but his health is enough better we are going to have some much-needed dental work done soon. While he’s out, the vet will also remove a growth on his eyelid that has been getting larger and might be rubbing his eye. We have been working on cleaning his ears, but he may need some help there, too. He loves the cold weather, and dozes out in the yard. Meanwhile, Princess continues to learn we can be trusted and now follows one of us around the house wherever we go. It has been a slow road, but incredibly rewarding.
Northwest Samoyed Rescue doesn’t sell a calendar, but there are two other Samoyed Rescue groups we recommend for the quality of theirs. MidAtlantic Samoyed Rescue and North Texas Samoyed Rescue both have excellent quality calendars that you’ll enjoy all year. More importantly, they are groups who absolutely deserve your money. Check out their calendars here (MASR) and here (NTSR).
And speaking of money, it’s the time of year many people make donations to their favorite charities. We have been fortunate over the years to have a large number of generous friends. Because of that, we’d like to propose you help two other rescues this year. They are the same two who have calendars, and both are run by volunteers who have been rescuing Sammies for years and years; both could use a little help right now. The best way to do that is to use PayPal to send something to MASR (click here) or NTSR (click here). Please contact Ron for their addresses if you would rather send a check. Thank you.
You’ve heard this before, but rescue has changed remarkably in the past few years. It’s not just the number of dogs; it’s the way we work to find them. Nearly everything is online now. We respond to Craigslist ads, listings on Petharbor, Petfinder, and others. More dogs come into rescue after an email than come from shelters. Unfortunately, most of the time when we respond to an ad, we don’t hear back. When someone does find us, and knows what we do, we have a good chance of helping place a dog.
Over the past ten years we have been accumulating donations of some very nice items. Some of them went with Kathy and Melissa to the National for sale there, but we have a lot more. Here’s where we issue our annual call for anyone who has experience with eBay. An auction would be the right way to offer these things to the Samoyed world, but we need someone experienced to do it. Could that be you, and would you like to help rescue?
When we foster dogs in our homes, we always end up keeping the oldest of them because they can’t be placed. In May 2015 we took in Princess, who was eleven, which makes her twelve and a half now. On July 4 this year we took in Herbie, who is well past thirteen. We enjoy the seniors, but the other side of the coin is that we say goodbye to a lot of dogs. In fact, we lost twelve dogs in the past fifteen years. Right now, of our five dogs, the dog we’ve had the longest is Sasha, who has been here less than five years. When we had a chance recently to adopt a 15-month old Samoyed, we took advantage of it. His name is Rowdy, and it fits him perfectly. He fits into our pack like he was meant to be here. He and Lily run circles around each other and enjoy their time playing, and Sasha offers him the end of her rope and ends up sliding across the room as he pulls her along. Even Princess has been running like a puppy, so his arrival has been positive.
Rowdy on the deck.
Rowdy’s former owner asked us to let her know if he ever sired a litter because he is such a cool dog. Then we looked at his papers, which set a record for the least champions ever on 5-generation pedigrees. His coat is long and wavy all the way down his back, and his conformation is, to be kind, not quite ring quality. What he has going for him is a personality that’s wonderful. He loves people and other dogs, and he’s a real catch. We are working on training, since he had none at all when he arrived. He truly wants to please and that makes it much easier. The evening this report was written, he dumped all the flower pots on the deck and scattered their contents, so you know Rowdy is a true Sammy.
Rowdy and Sasha tug the rope while Herbie watches.
Let’s start this with a reminder why rescue matters to our entire community. Last month two older Sammies were posted on the animal shelter website in Calgary, Alberta. One was eleven years old; the other was eight. Lisa, who does rescue for the Western Canada Samoyed Club, made a connection with the shelter and, after several tries, was brought in to help place the old boys. When she got there she recognized the older dog. He was a prior winner of the SAC National, and was later placed in a pet home. The family went through a divorce and dumped the dogs in the shelter without contacting the breeder. Lisa knew who to call, and the dogs were reunited with the breeder, who is retired now. The same thing happened to us once, and we were able to recover a girl and find her breeder. Our predecessor, Cheryl, told us a hundred times “It’s all about the dogs.” In the northwest, we appreciate the relationship we have with breeders. We all work together.
Kathy and Melissa just returned from what must be the best-run National in the history of the club. They enjoyed meeting a lot of the people we know, and our two dogs, Melissa’s Boomer and Kathy’s Lily, were part of the rescue parade. Along with them were Lynn and Grace, Anita and Freya, Fritse and Samson, Joan and Misty, and Amanda with Halo (from San Francisco Samoyed Rescue). The audience loves the rescue parade almost as much as the participants do. We hope to have pictures of the parade in next month’s rescue report.
Melissa talks to a customer, while Lily and Boomer sack out under the table
A number of scams have been increasing in past months. We’ve been fighting Craigslist posts for a long time. Scammers post non-existent puppies for sale. The usual course is to ask for a deposit, then more money for shots, then a second payment for flying them. Eventually it escalates when there is a “problem.” These lowlifes seem to be based offshore, and email addresses are funneled through a series of websites that are difficult to trace. Fortunately, the people behind these don’t know anything about the breed, and often brag about puppies being from a “merle mother,” or some other ridiculous description. The newest predators are creating websites that look quite convincing. They steal pictures from existing websites and make it look real. Their prices are usually a little bit under market price, so they attract people looking for a better price. Please let your friends know if something looks too good to be true, it’s not true. Our breed is lucky to have an attorney member of SCA who is aggressively working with the FBI to try to stop them.
Princess in May, 2015 and October, 2016.
Princess arrived here in May last year. She came to us as a scared girl who had been bought as a puppy and put in the back yard; at eleven years old she was taken to the shelter because they didn’t want her. Since then she has become one of our favorite success stories. Although she is still wary of new people, and has some peculiar habits, she has become a dog who wants very much to be with us. Her coat is beautiful and she is healthy and at the correct weight now. Lately she has finally begun playing with other dogs. It really makes our job special to see a dog become so happy. Here are pictures of her on the way from the shelter, then this month at home.
Herbie has adapted well to life as a foster dog. We’re trying to decide whether, at thirteen years old, we should put him through anesthesia to have dental work, a growth on his eyelid removed, and a large tumor aspirated to see what it is. We’re taking a wait-and-see approach to him. He has chosen a few favorite spots, and sleeps most of the day. If you’ve never lived with a senior dog you’ve never experienced the unconditional love they bring.
In recent years, Rescue Picnic attendance has fallen off because we place fewer dogs. You may recall we had to reschedule our picnic from July 9 to September 10 after Jack died from Canine Respiratory Coronavirus, but we ended up with a great bunch of adopters and had a wonderful time talking about our dogs.
In the past year we have seen an increase in the number of scams on Craigslist. Most offer puppies for sale at less than market price, and they all have similar text. The bogus ads are usually posted in multiple cities on the same day. They all say the same thing, and they all have errors. When we can find the picture on some other website (they are all stolen) we try to notify the owner. Sometimes it looks like someone is using a random description generator, such as the ad below, which is ridiculous.
White colored Samoyed boy and girl to rehome. Turned 11 weeks old two days ago. She is out of a lavender merle parti mother by a sable male. Daddy is 4 lbs and mother is 8lbs. Puppy has had first puppy shots, been dewormed. CKC registerable. Asking 300 to rehome, can include rest of puppy shots, microchip, spay, and a years worth of heartworm and flea preventative. Second picture is mother and third is father [note: there was only one picture].
Fortunately, Holley is always on the job and sends these links to a group of us who mark them “prohibited.” Slowly we are able to get them removed, but no doubt they catch a few trusting people. Just this month we began seeing websites doing the same thing. Like anything else online, be careful!
And finally this month, we have begun moving toward an orderly transition for Northwest Samoyed Rescue. After the picnic a group of us sat and talked about the path forward. We are not making major changes any time soon, but we have begun planning.
It’s your turn in the ring!
The Samoyed National is coming to Albany, Oregon, the week of October 10. We’re having a Rescue Parade, and it’s scheduled for Tuesday, October 11. All our adopted dogs (and all other rescue Sammies) are invited to attend. It’s a chance for your dog to get a chance in the ring while we tell the world how special he or she is. We need you to be there! There is an entry form at PLEASE fill it out and come join us for a good time. Deadline is September 23.
The 2016 Rescue Picnic is rescheduled for Saturday, September 10. The invitations will go out soon, and we hope you can come. As always, please RSVP with Ron ( because we need an accurate count.
Last month we had a request from a woman in China who said she is saving dogs from the meat markets there. She asked us to help by bringing them to the US and finding homes for them. We answered that we were part of a group that brought one of the first Korean Sammies over, and we were glad it was successful, but we lost money doing it. Our primary concern in going out of our area is that we always ask a volunteer to put hands on a dog before we take it into rescue. We have to know the dog is a purebred Samoyed, and that the temperament is what we expect. It’s impossible to do that in a different country. We have a lot of sympathy for those dogs, but we also know what we’re capable of doing here. The northwest is our home, and it’s where we are chartered to help dogs.
A breeder in Wyoming asked for help placing a seven and a half year old female Samoyed. She doesn’t like small dogs and will attack them, though she gets along with other Sammies. We tentatively agreed to help him look for a home for her, and we wrote to two possibilities. There was no answer from either, so we asked Denver Samoyed Rescue if they would like to be involved. It turned out they actually know him, so they will be taking lead. She is a very nice dog with one definite problem, but in the right home it would be no problem.
For the last couple years we have been asking for someone to step up and help us with our eventual transition to new blood in Northwest Samoyed Rescue. We recently had a productive conversation with a northwest couple interested in helping. We plan to continue for a long time to come, but if we believe what we say, “it’s all about the dogs,” we have to consider the future. When we have something to announce, you’ll hear it here.
Our waiting list continues to grow. We now have 35 families waiting, and five of those are previous adopters. With only three or four dogs coming into rescue each year that means a long time before we find one for them. It says a lot about our breed that most of them are willing to continue waiting.