April 2020
In the past 18+ years of rescue we’ve had a lot of challenges, but none as great as having to do nothing. Since we are in the age category of “high risk,” we’re sheltering in place, going nowhere, and not letting anyone visit foster dogs. While we still plan take in dogs in need, we’re not going to place any until we are comfortable letting outsiders into our homes. That means Max will be staying here, which gives us an opportunity to work with his training. He has been here now for four months, during which we weren’t able to find the right home. Although we may have an idea for one now, we still have to wait.
Tessa and Sophie have been here for 27 months, improving gradually in trusting, but still afraid of nearly everything. What happened between the puppy mill and the backyard breeder was criminal. Literally criminal, in this case, since Barb Kavars, owner of White Fire Samoyeds, has ended her appeal of the charges against her because she ran out of places to appeal. She was convicted of animal neglect and given two years of probation, a sentence of 420 months (suspended) and a fine of $910. When you consider the 300+ Samoyeds she neglected and mistreated that’s a slap on the hand, but at least it’s an official slap with a prohibition against owning dogs for two years. We will continue working with the girls until they trust humans.

We were asked to take a pair of young dogs last month because their owner died. He bought them from a backyard breeder in the Midwest because he didn’t think he could get one in the Northwest because of the home visit requirement. While we were trying to locate that breeder to ask whether she wanted them returned, the family gave them to someone who already had a Sammy. Since that time we learned it was a good home, and we’re happy a solution was found.