

On July 27, 2024

Chalky is a sweet old dog who arrived at Northwest Samoyed Rescue in rough shape, primarily due to an itchy skin condition that prompted a cycle of licking, hair loss and follow-on infection. He had been abandoned by his longtime owner, and while an intermediate caregiver gave it her level best to care for him, she eventually concluded it was just too much to handle and wisely contacted us.

None of this affected Chalky’s affectionate and energetic disposition, which further inspired us to help. We contacted and worked with veterinarians (generalists and dermatology specialists) to get to the root of the issue. We applied medications, special baths, topical treatments and of course an ever-present cone to get this sweet old guy on the path to some well-deserved relief.

Nothing worked… until something did. Prednisone in combination with a new flea treatment did the trick and while Prednisone is typically used on a temporary basis, given Chalky’s age (13) and the degree of relief the medication provided, we determined with his veterinarian’s agreement that keeping him on it indefinitely was the best path to a quality balance of life.

The result has been profound. The itching has stopped. The cone is off. As his foster reports, “it’s hard to describe what a difference this has made.”

Chalky’s interests are 1) being kind and 2) being near other kind people and dogs. That and ongoing attention to his care are about the sum of his requirements.

We thought given his age that there was a chance Chalky would be a “permanent foster” in his current environment, but with some changes in that environment, we need to find him a new spot for a soft landing. With his back legs starting to give out a bit, we know that may be a relatively brief stay (and the fewer stairs and hardwood floors in his new home the better), but the right adopter will no doubt quickly discover what his current foster put best: Chalky is the kind of dog you wish you had his whole life. 

Sex: M

Age: 13 years

Size: Medium (50 lb)

Neutered: Yes